Tourist in Your Own Town

Tourist in Your Own Town

Most of us live in a reasonably large city, or in close proximity to a major metro, but how many of us know all guidebook.jpgthe hidden gems of our hometown? Two more questions and then we will get to a bit more substance. Have you ever called your town boring? Do you...
The Power of Partnership

The Power of Partnership

There are some of you out there that I could never convince to use recycled rubber products in your yard, and I am alright with that. Some gardeners like to reclaim old pine needles and use them for mulch. Others start their own compost piles in the backyard, and...
The “Green Movement”

The “Green Movement”

We continue our ongoing search for interesting “green” stories about companies and people who are helping to make a difference in the world we live. We hope you enjoy our latest entries. “Green and Gold” “Generation Green” “Eco-Friendly Travel”...
Freezer to Oven in 5 Hours or Less

Freezer to Oven in 5 Hours or Less

If you are like me, snow has its place, a few days a year around the holiday season, followed by an immediate warming back to the 80° degree mark. blizzard.jpgNothing against the Nordic nomads who don layer upon layer of Gore-Tex to glide down a frozen mountain,...
Preparing for Old Man Winter

Preparing for Old Man Winter

The temperature is falling, the color is fading, the warm wind from the south has shifted to the north – these are all signs that our friend Old Man Winter will be making his annual appearance. For those of you fortunate enough to live in climates where winter means...
Rubberific Tree Rings

Rubberific Tree Rings

So you fancy yourself a “master of the moss,” a.k.a., someone who takes great pride in how their lawn and landscaping looks. You own every conceivable accoutrement for grooming your lawn. Some may even say that you are the envy of a professional groundskeeper at a...