Safety — a small investment for a rich future!

We do I only need 2 inches of rubber mulch nuggets for my landscaping, but for my playground, I need between 3 and 6 inches of mulch?  The answer is quite simple, fall height protection, or as we call it, good old-fashioned safety on the playground! Each year, more...
Is our water supply evaporating?

Is our water supply evaporating?

Are we at risk of running out of water?  For many, it is a rite of summer to manicure our lawns to the point that they rival the turf of professional stadiums.  Part of this process is to water, water and water even more. A recent report states that the...
Fun with tires

Fun with tires

At International Mulch Company we have created some rather unique products made from 100% recycled rubber.  From our Rubberific Mulch that looks identical to wood mulch, to pavers, landscaping edging, swing mats and even tree rings. As the summer season is upon us we...
The perfect gift for Father’s day!

The perfect gift for Father’s day!

So what is the ideal gift to give your Dad?  Another tie?  Some golf balls for those two rounds a year he can squeeze in between soccer practice, baseball games and dance recitals?  A baseball hat that says “World’s Greatest Dad”?  A coffee mug with the same catchy...