Rubber mulch – simply the safest playground surface!

Rubber mulch – simply the safest playground surface!

For all of us with little ones, we yearn for the days when we can walk to the local playground, get some exercise and enjoy our time with family.  Our children’s safety is paramount to us, and as time moves on more and more requirements are placed on how they play as...
Recycle or pay the fine!

Recycle or pay the fine!

One major metro has had enough with the lack of recycling efforts in its community. This is sort of a cheers and jeers moment for the residents of Buffalo.  With an active recycling program in place for the past 21 years, those that live there recycle only about 6.5...
Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. The winners and the losers.

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. The winners and the losers.

It is no surprise that Americans produce a lot of trash.  Every year we hope that recycling numbers are on the rise, and in some cities they are, but then we hear about cities that fall far short of making a difference – I am talking to you Sioux City. If you do not...
All the news that is fit not to print…

All the news that is fit not to print…

Today, more than ever, people receive their news and information from the Internet. The five pound Sunday newspaper has become a thing of the past and I for one think this is a good thing.  Yes, the Web has resulted in some news outlets closing, but that is more of a...
Pay as you throw recycling

Pay as you throw recycling

How much are you willing to pay not to recycle may be the question in the very near future?  There is a movement in some communities around the world to charge consumers based on the amount of trash they throw away each week and reward them for how much they recycle. ...
Rubber Mulch…safe, durable, and beautiful!

Rubber Mulch…safe, durable, and beautiful!

While the grass begins its evolution from brown to green as spring takes hold, many in my neighborhood are turning green as well, green with envy.  We are all familiar with the process that I have explained before, rake out the old mulch, place in bags and then put...