Welcomed Mats

Welcomed Mats

We have all heard the saying that the bigger you are the harder you fall. I tend to disagree with this statement as isn’t it all about proportion, as well as frequency? My son is about 3 feet tall, and I am a bit over 6 feet tall. If he falls off a swing set that is...
162 x 30 = 58,320,000

162 x 30 = 58,320,000

Math doesn’t quite add up does it?  It also makes little to no sense to me as well in this format, but let me explain a bit.  Earlier this year, a news story applauded the St. Louis Cardinals for a cutting edge program – recycling?  Even worse, Major League Baseball...
Too cold for shorts…too hot for a sweater

Too cold for shorts…too hot for a sweater

Limbo is defined as a state of transition, or state of uncertainty…it is also a dance, but that definition is not in any dictionary that I own…it also best describes the weather for most of the country during the next month. For some, 70 degrees one day and 30 degrees...

Bordering on Genius – Rubberific Landscape Borders

As the snow begins to pile up for many of us, and for the fortunate few where snow is not part of Mother Nature’s plan, flora goes dormant until the spring rains bring new life to our gardens, we need to take a moment to pause, think, and create a plan of action for...
Tourist in Your Own Town

Tourist in Your Own Town

Most of us live in a reasonably large city, or in close proximity to a major metro, but how many of us know all guidebook.jpgthe hidden gems of our hometown? Two more questions and then we will get to a bit more substance. Have you ever called your town boring? Do you...