Spring has sprung – time to invest in your landscape

Spring has sprung – time to invest in your landscape

The economy is not good to say the least, but this doesn’t mean that our backyard oasis or curb appeal should suffer.  There is much to be done that can cut future costs, increase the value of your home, and give a sense of pride and accomplishment while beautifying...
Rubber Mulch? I heard from a friend of a friend that…

Rubber Mulch? I heard from a friend of a friend that…

The Internet is the most powerful communications tool ever created.  Search for, or “Google” a term, topic or phrase and you will face an avalanche of pages offering information, places to purchase, facts, and opinions.  With more than 124 billion Web pages…yes,...
Following our Passion

Following our Passion

Despite the almost daily economic downturn, a recent study points to the positives when it comes to travel trends for the next few years – 87% of those surveyed say travel involving personal interests will remain the same or increase over the next two years. This...
Sound the Recycling Alarm!

Sound the Recycling Alarm!

This month is not about the feel good side of recycling, it is all about laying out the facts and letting them sink in.  Many of us try to make a difference, but as a whole, we do not do enough.  The facts are not pretty, but they are facts and need to be dealt with. ...