Out with the old and in with the new…

Out with the old and in with the new…

As we usher in a new year with the holidays behind us, for many of us, we celebrated, gave gifts and received gifts…in a nutshell; we bought a lot of stuff.  In the United States we are consumers to the core, but we are not alone in this world as most developed...
School is in session!

School is in session!

Growing up it was the three ‘R’s’ that we learned in school, however, I would like to add a fourth ‘R’ if school administrators would listen – recycling. Now I understand that the original three are vital to children and adults alike, but if we do not teach the next...
Earth Day 2011?

Earth Day 2011?

Having been active in the recycling industry for more than a decade I applaud the efforts of many to live “green” or give back something to the Earth on this celebrated day, but is one day really enough? Holiday decorations go on sale three months before the actual...
Recycle or pay the fine!

Recycle or pay the fine!

One major metro has had enough with the lack of recycling efforts in its community. This is sort of a cheers and jeers moment for the residents of Buffalo.  With an active recycling program in place for the past 21 years, those that live there recycle only about 6.5...
Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. The winners and the losers.

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. The winners and the losers.

It is no surprise that Americans produce a lot of trash.  Every year we hope that recycling numbers are on the rise, and in some cities they are, but then we hear about cities that fall far short of making a difference – I am talking to you Sioux City. If you do not...