Recycling bin rules – what you can’t recycle

Recycling bin rules – what you can’t recycle

Last year Americans generated about 251 million tons of trash and recycled and composted almost 87 million tons of this material, equivalent to a 34.5 percent recycling rate.  Not horrible, but I know that we can do better in the years to come. Recycling keeps junk...
A day in the life of a recycled product!

A day in the life of a recycled product!

While most of the time I write about products made from 100% recycled rubber, this week I decided to change it up a bit and write about something that most of use every day – an aluminum can.  I always like to put things into perspective as to why it is important that...
A deep discussion about wood mulch and rubber mulch

A deep discussion about wood mulch and rubber mulch

So I was doing some research on the Internet and ran across this question that was asked in a local newspaper and thought it was a good place to start another discussion on wood mulch versus rubber mulch. “Doesn’t Wood Mulch Benefit Soil More Than Rubber? This depends...
Tis’ the season…for allergies

Tis’ the season…for allergies

Most of us yearn for the day when the sun finally breaks through the winter sky and we know that spring and summer will be fast upon us.  In our drive to move our lives from indoors to outside many of us forget about something…we have allergies.  The big two, pollen...
A wheel to a tire to rubber mulch…

A wheel to a tire to rubber mulch…

We could not do what we do without the invention of the tire, but in all reality, the people that invented the tire need to thank those that created the first wheel.  Sounds a bit odd, if you really think about it, a tire is a wheel, but a wheel does not necessarily...